For a year now, we have been regularly distributing free food to children and teenagers under 18 at our base, Leo’s Community Center.

We took this initiative because we found that although there are resources available to family, many kids were falling through the cracks. We’ve been generously supported in this effort by St. Mary’s Foodbank and other donors.

Initially weekly, and now monthly, we have assembled volunteers at Leo’s to pack and prepare the food for distribution. Parents drive by and pick up the food from our curbside volunteers. It’s a joyful experience for everyone involved, both giving and receiving and this essential nourishment for our young people.

The program to feed the kids of Superior is an initiative of Superior CAN (the Superior Community Action Network), an adjunct network of local volunteers launched by Regenerating Sonora in 2020.


Our Work in Action

Making the Program Known

Kids Helping Kids

Packed and Ready to Share